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Welcome to Year 6

Welcome to Year 6!  

The class teacher is Mr Bazeley-Smith with Mrs Barnes, the Year 6 teaching assistant. 

Year 6 is an exciting year for all pupils, as they come to the end of their primary education. The year is centred around preparation for secondary education and developing them into rounded human beings. 

Through the knowledge-rich curriculum that is used across the whole school, Year 6 children are able to draw upon their prior knowledge and experiences to form new opinions. We teach children the importance of independence and how this should be used in their learning. 

Children enjoy daily Reading and Writing lessons, where we focus on adaptations of classic British literature. Examples include Macbeth, A Midsummer Night’s Dream, The Secret Garden and Frankenstein. Through this exposure of rich texts, children begin to make thematic links between them, therefore enhancing their love for reading. Additionally, children develop their mathematics knowledge on a daily basis and are challenged accordingly. 

We ensure children are offered a broad and balanced curriculum, with other subjects including: History, Geography, Art and Design, Science, French, PSHE, RSE (Relationships and Sex Education), Music, PE, Design & Technology, Computing and RE.