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PE at Emneth is challenging, exciting and fun. We aim to give our children lots of opportunities to try new sporting activities and participate in competitions and festivals, within the wider community.


At Emneth Academy, we believe that physical education is vital to our pupils well-being. We are committed to teaching high quality physical education by providing creative, modern, fun, challenging and engaging lessons for our pupils. This will in turn ensure that all pupils develop confidence, competence, stamina, suppleness and strength.

Our pupils understand that PE and sport are an important part of a healthy, active lifestyle. They have a clear understanding that they need to work hard to succeed. Our aim is to provide opportunities for children to experience a variety of sports and participate in competitive activities within the wider community. We want to teach our children to cooperate, collaborate with others, follow rules and play fairly. 


Pupils at Emneth Academy participate in weekly high quality PE lessons. We follow an exciting but challenging curriculum and cover a range of areas to ensure that the children develop a variety of skills, self-confidence, resilience and an understanding of their areas of strength and development.

Our PE curriculum covers several disciplines/areas, they are -

  • Games – invasion, net and wall, striking and fielding
  • Dance
  • Gymnastics
  • OAA
  • Yoga
  • Athletics
  • Health Related Fitness
  • Swimming – KS2
  • Fundamental Movements – EYFS & KS1
  • Stability, Locomotion and Object Manipulation – EYFS

We provide a wide range of opportunities for all of our children to attend during and after school activities/clubs, these are ran by staff and trained professionals from Premier Sport.  

We also have trained Y6 play-leaders running exciting lunchtime activities and personal challenge opportunities.

In addition to this we provide many opportunities for all pupils to attend sporting competitions and festivals throughout the academic year. Interclass, school, cluster, SSP, Norfolk School Games and WGS competitions and festivals help to build character and ensures that the children become physically confident.


The aim of Emneth Academy’s curriculum is to encourage and improve the physical development, fitness and wellbeing of our pupils. We want our children to make progress and understand the importance of physical fitness, sports skills and sporting values.

We want to motivate our children to try new things confidently, independently and as part of a team. We want our children to demonstrate a never give up work ethic and a positive attitude towards sport and a healthier lifestyle.

Our Sports Captains 2024/2025


Our Emneth Academy Sports Awards - July 2024

We are extremely proud to have been awarded the School Games Gold Award 23/24  for our PE provision.


We have recently been awarded the Norfolk PE KS1 Sporting Stars 'Platinum' Award 23/24 for our KS1 and our KS2 PE provision.