Our Fantastic Trim Trail - January 2021
We are excited to announce that we have improved our outdoor area with the addition of an exciting, updated Trim Trail.
The Trim Trail includes a challenging but amazing range of equipment:
• Double-Sided Timber Climbing Wall
• Rope Tunnel
• Pull Up Bars
• Rope Swing Traverse
• Climbing Poles
• Tightrope Bridge
• Rocking Log Traverse
The children now have a fantastic, challenging Trim Trail with a great range of equipment for imaginative play and physical development.
Our children will be developing their key physical skills including balance, lower and upper body strength, hand strength, core stability, co-ordination and gross motor skills. They will be able to use this during PE lessons, breaktime and lunchtimes, ensuring that we support the children meeting the government target of an additional 60 mins of physical activity, per day.
For this project, we worked closely with Pentagon Play, who design and install outdoor learning environments for schools and nurseries.
You can visit their website here – www.pentagonplay.co.uk