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Emneth Academy Catch Up Funding

Due to the disruption to children with their education as a result of the pandemic and lockdown, the government have allocated funding to schools to support children in catching-up to recover lost learning and get back on track.

When looking at the most effective way of allocating the funds, we have used a combination of local knowledge and gap analysis of the children alongside research from the Education Endowment Fund (EEF). This is evidence based research on approaches to supporting children in the most effective way.

The academy plan put in place is to ensure that the children at Emneth academy are able to be supported with both their gaps in their learning and their well-being. This also incorporates how adults are to be supported as we try to recover the lost months. As stated previously, the plan is based around the EEF research and is focused on 3 areas:

  1. Teaching & Learning.
  2. Targeted approach i.e. intervention.
  3. Wider strategies.

There is a link below to the plan, including further details on the allocation of funding and the strategies we will be using.

If you have any further questions please do not hesitate contact the academy.